Pintando Murales! // Painting some murals!

La Semana pasada con la EDE con enfoque en Desarrollo Comunitario estuvimos presentes en una hermosa actividad organizada por la mesa de gestión de nuestro barrio. Todos juntos hemos creado un hermoso mural con diferentes valores, como la educación, los deportes, el medio ambiente entre otros para el playón de nuestro centro comunitario. Nos alegrábamos que habían tantos vecinos que vinieron para participar. Pudimos hablar con muchos de ellos. También pudimos invitar al muralista que estaba presente, Pablo, para que enseñe una clase en la EDE. Fue buenísimo, y los estudiantes hicieron su propio mural. Aprendieron una herramienta útil!

Last week together with the Community Development DTS we participated in a great activity organized by the local initiative board of our neighborhood. All together with the neighbors we created a beatiful mural with different values like education, sports, environment amongst others for the sportscourt of the local community centre. We were very happy to see that there were so many neighbors that came out. We were able to talk to many of them. As well, we´ve invited the muralist that was guiding the process, Pablo, to come to the MIssion and teach a class to the DTS on muralism.  It was great! The students made their own mural and learned a useful tool.


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