Cafe Vitreaux

The communications ministry recently put on a "coffee shop" evening and named it Cafe Vitreaux. Hot drinks, milkshakes and homemade desserts were on the menu. The coffee shop night was open to friends of YWAM Mendoza. There was a great turnout of people. Some of the students from the current Sports DTS played music which was a fusion of different sounds. They also presented a couple of dramas. During the week prior, the communications ministry filmed short "videograms," or video messages, to be "delivered," or shown, on the night of the coffee shop. There were quite a few creative videograms. Everyone had a great laugh! The communications ministry also debuted the blogspot. The evening was a huge success and was a lot of fun.

The communications team hosted Cafe Vitreaux as a fundraising event for the ministry. YWAM Mendoza's communications ministry formally began as a ministry just five months ago. The ministry works on promotional videos and materials for our schools and ministries. They also maintain and contribute to the blog and the website.

COFFEE NIGHT .... viernes por la noche se convirtió en una noche internacional de Café. Postres Gourmet de diferentes tipos fueron servidos, galletitas con chispas de chocolate, brownies, mousse de fresa, pasteles especiales, y muchos más dulces de diferentes países. Además, se les ofreció café, Chai, AppleCider (bebida caliente con sabor de manzana), batidos y otras bebidas con café. La Escuela de Discipulado de Deportes presentó Obras de teatro y música durante toda la noche.El staff y los estudiantes crearon "video-gramas" durante la semana, una forma creativa de enviar un mensaje por vídeo a los amigos en el Coffee Night. Amigos y familia de diferentes iglesias se unieron a nosotros para esta noche. El equipo de Comunicaciones organizó esta noche para levantar finanzas para el ministerio. Fue un gran comienzo de muchos más "COFFEE NIGHT" por venir.


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