De Boda en Boda...

Llego la primavera...y llego con mucho amor en el aire! Han sido unas semanas intensas en la base de Mendoza mientras planeamos, preparamos y celebramos dos bodas! Dos parejas Jucumeras de nuestra base se casaron. Las dos parejas son parejas transculturales...algo que es muy comun en nuestra base! Todos los casados de nuestra base son transculturales.

Primero se casaron Yanil(de Argentina) y Simon(de Inglaterra) y la semana despues se casaron Ruth (de Holanda) y Dario (de Argentina). Las dos bodas y fiestas fueron hermosas y reflejo los estilos de las parejas.

Aqui hay fotos de los dos dias....

Spring has arrived...and it arrived with lots of love in the air. These past couple of weeks have been intense as we have been planning, preparing and celebrating two weddings! Two YWAM couples from our YWAM base were married. Both of them are transcultural couples...something that is a bit of the norm around here. All of the married couples on our base are transcultural matches.

Yanil (from Argentina) and Simon (from England) were married first and a week later Ruth (from Holland) and Dario (from Argentina). The two weddings and receptions were beautiful and reflected the styles of each couple.

Here are some pics from both days....

Yanil llegando a la iglesia//Yanil arriving at the church

Yanil y Simon en el altar//Yanil and Simon at the altar

Fiesta de noche//Night reception

Simon y Yanil

Ruth llegando a la ceremonia al estilo Indio//Ruth arriving to ceremony with a touch of style from India


La recepción//The reception

Ruth y Dario


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