Apertura EDE Futbol // Openings Celebration Soccer DTS
Hace mas que una semana dimos el bienvenido a los 15 estudiantes de la EDE de Futbol en la apertura. “Unidad en la Diversidad” es el lema de este escuela y realmente lo pudimos ver reflejado en los diferentes paises del origen: Ecuador, Argentina, Canada, los Estados Unidos y Brazil. Como Mision estamos muy emocionado por este tiempo. Tenemos muchas espectativas de todas las cosas maravillosas y profundas que Dios va a hacer en las vidas de los estudiantes y el staff.
More than a week ago already we welcomed the 15 students of the Soccer DTS during the openings ceremony. “Unity in Diversity” is the theme of this school and we could see it nicely reflected in the different countries of origin: Ecuador, Argentina, Canada, the United States and Brazil. As Mission we are really excited about this time. We are full of expectation of all the wonderful and profound things God is going to do in the lives of the students and staff!
More than a week ago already we welcomed the 15 students of the Soccer DTS during the openings ceremony. “Unity in Diversity” is the theme of this school and we could see it nicely reflected in the different countries of origin: Ecuador, Argentina, Canada, the United States and Brazil. As Mission we are really excited about this time. We are full of expectation of all the wonderful and profound things God is going to do in the lives of the students and staff!
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