Ropes Course: Coming soon to YWAM Mendoza!

YWAM Mendoza Sports Ministry is taking things to a new level!
We are building a ropes course with low and high elements at our base. Ropes Course is a useful tool to reach youth through adventure based challenges that point at knowing God and trusting in Him completely. It also serves as a great team building activity for youth leaders, camps, even business employers. Our base has the natural resources to build this course, and God has opened up the doors to begin this long term project right here at our facility.
Here is where we are at as a ministry:
The pioneer stage:
-          Purchase cables, rope, bolts, screws, wood, harnesses, carabineers, etc.
-          Jeff Nelson, director of Salem Ropes is coming in April to our base to help us make a low ropes circuit and three high elements.
-          Training on knots, ropes, and equipment for use of ropes course.

Long term goals:
-          Teach Biblical values to public schools
-          Use ropes course to train leaders in perseverance, trust, self-esteem, and team building through experiential education
-          Build high ropes course as a continuation and improvement to the facility!

One of our staff members is taking a training course in Brazil for three weeks. Then at the end of March, construction starts here in Mendoza. Before their arrival we have to purchase all the wood, caribiners, staples, and gramps to safely attach the 200 meters of galvanized cable on the trees. Please pray for provision to buy the materials.
Eventually this will be a high ropes course with varying degrees of danger and heights. For this course we need to be professionally trained by skilled workers. Pray for safety in the construction of the course, as well as those that use it.
Don’t miss out on this new and exciting adventure of Ropes Course. 


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En Córdoba Capital // City of Córdoba

Ropes Course Mendoza has arrived! / / Curso de Cuerdas Mendoza llego!