"Suma 1 + a tu mesa" // Add one more to your table

El Sábado 5 de este mes, estuvimos ayudando al Banco de Alimentos de Mendoza a "Sumar 1 + a tu mesa" en los Supermercados VEA. Durante todo el día estuvimos recolectando alimentos que los ciudadanos de Mendoza decidieron donar para ayudar en la colaboración de la 11° Colecta Nacional de Alimentos. Muchas gracias a todas y cada una de las personas y familias que fueron parte de esto, porque sin su solidaridad esto no hubiese sido posible.

On the 5th of this month, we were helping the Food Bank of Mendoza to "Add one more to your table" in the VEA Supermarkets. Throughout the entire day we were collecting food that the citizens of Mendoza decided to donate to help in the collaboration of the 11th National Food Drive. Thank you to everyone and each one of the people and families that were apart of this, because without your help this would not have been possible.


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