Retiro de Misiones // Missions Retreat
Con los intercesores escuchamos testimonios de tantos misioneros ,sirviendo en distintas partes del mundo y el privilegio de orar por ellos. Fue un tiempo de ministración ,tanto para los misioneros argentinos como para los extranjeros ,que están invirtiendo en llevar el evangelio a otras culturas, lenguas y naciones. Durante la semana tuvimos talleres, plenarias, enseñanzas, tiempos de procesar, de consejería y la bendicion de hermanos de iglesias locales, que ofrendaron sus habilidades, cortándoles el pelo, haciéndoles tratamiento de cuidado y belleza integral: (piel, pies y cuerpo).
Fue un tiempo de ver los detalles de Dios, sobre sus vidas en todas las áreas.
Los niños y jovenes tambien tubieron sus propios retiros ,que les brindo la oportunidad de compartir, sus experiencias, relaciones personales con Dios sin faltar por supuestola diversion en cada juego y actividades .
The 3rd-10th of January there was a retreat called Cross Cultural Missionary Retreat organized by the World Missions Network where about 25 families and also single missionaries participated. Our School of Frontier Missions (SOFM) participated by working with the missionary children and in a parallel retreat of Mobilizers and Intercessors. With the Intercessors we were able to hear testimonies from so many missionaries that are serving in distinct parts of the world and pray for them. It was a time of ministration for the argentine and foreign missionaries that invest their lives to bring the gospel to other cultures, tongues, and nations. During the week we had workshops, preachings, teachings, times to process, counseling, and members from the local churches offered there time and abilities to bless the missionaries by cutting their hair, giving them facials, manicure, pedicure, and massages! It was a time to see how God was taking care of them in every area. The kids and youth also had their own retreats where they shared about their own experiences, their personal relationships with God and of course fun games and activities.
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