Simulacro // Earthquake simulation

También este año, fuimos invitados a ser parte del simulacro de la Ciudad de Mendoza. Varios de nuestros obreros, junto con los estudiantes de la Escuela de Consejería, se maquillaron para ser víctimas, prensa o familiares de las víctimas. Nos trasladaron en helicópteros, nos bajaron de los techos y nos sacaron de habitaciones llenas de humo…..Dios nos pone a servir en lugares tan inesperados, tan lejos, tan diferentes y emocionantes, solo para Su gloria y para compartir de Él!!

We were invited again this year to be part of the earthquake simulation that took place in the center of Mendoza. Some of our staff together with the students of the Counseling School, got their make-up done to act as victims, press or family members of the victims. We were moved in helicopters, lowered from the roofs and taken out of rooms filled with smoke.......God puts us at service in places so unexpected, far away, different and exciting. Only for His glory and to share about Him! 


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