Campamento IMPACTO 2015 // Camp IMPACTO 2015
A fines de Enero llevamos a cabo el
campamento “IMPACTO 2015” y pudimos recibir a 100 adolescentes entre 12 y 17
años. Dios nos habló específicamente de alcanzar esta generación y El nos
regaló una semana hermosa llena de actividades, charlas, tiempos de alabanza y
de ministración, de compartir juntos en grupos guía, deportes, pileta... Recibimos
a adolescentes de diferentes partes de Argentina, de cerca y de lejos!
Trabajamos sobre el llamado de Dios, Misiones, Sexualidad, Sueños y el plan que Dios tiene con cada uno
de nosotros. Los adolescentes recibieron mucho y Dios habló a varios grandes
cosas y se movió en gran manera! Gracias a todos los que fueron parte y sigamos
alcanzando esta generación!
At the end of January we organised the camp "IMPACTO 2015" and we received 100 young people between the ages 12 to 17 years old. God spoke to us specifically about reaching this generation and He gave us a beautiful week full of activities, talks, worship time and ministration, share in small groups, sports, pool......We received the youngsters from various parts of Argentina, close and far! We talked about God's calling, Missions, Sexuality, Dreams and the plan that God has with each one of our lives. The youth received a lot and God spoke to several of them great things. Thanks to everybody that took part and let's continue reaching out to this generation!
At the end of January we organised the camp "IMPACTO 2015" and we received 100 young people between the ages 12 to 17 years old. God spoke to us specifically about reaching this generation and He gave us a beautiful week full of activities, talks, worship time and ministration, share in small groups, sports, pool......We received the youngsters from various parts of Argentina, close and far! We talked about God's calling, Missions, Sexuality, Dreams and the plan that God has with each one of our lives. The youth received a lot and God spoke to several of them great things. Thanks to everybody that took part and let's continue reaching out to this generation!
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