Weddings Coming Up!!!

Spring is here...and with it...a couple of weddings!

This past weekend Simon and Yanil tied the knot and this coming week Dario and Ruth will take their vows of matrimony! Both weddings are hosted by the YWAM base, so as a family, we have been working hard to prepare all the details for both ceremonies and receptions. It is an exciting time of celebrating love, family and God's goodness.

This week we through a sort of joint bachelorette party for the Yanil and Ruth. Here are some pictures of the evening...the fun, the food and the games!

The girls ready for the game...Yanil was quizzed on English cuisine and Ruth was quizzed on Argentine cuisine

The chef, Ms. Gaby P, quizzing the gals

Decked out in their designer wedding gowns...

Ruth with her wedding gown designers

Yanil with her prizes


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