Dia de Alcance Mundial // Global Outreach Day
También, este sábado salimos
a las calles y plazas de Mendoza con el ministerio de arte y los estudiantes de
la Escuela de Consejería con el fin de ser parte de el Día de Alcance Mundial.
Junto a diferentes iglesias repartimos folletos y alcanzamos diferentes
personas con el mensaje de Jesús. Fue un alcance a nivel mundial, nos alegramos
al haber sido parte de este movimiento unidos a nuestros hermanos y hermanas en
todo el mundo.
As well, this Saturday we went out to the streets and the squares of Mendoza with our Arts ministry and the students of the Counseling School for the Global Outreach Day. Together with different churches we handed out flyers and reached people with the message of Jesus. It was an outreach on global level and it was great that we could be part of this, united with our brothers and sisters all across the world.
As well, this Saturday we went out to the streets and the squares of Mendoza with our Arts ministry and the students of the Counseling School for the Global Outreach Day. Together with different churches we handed out flyers and reached people with the message of Jesus. It was an outreach on global level and it was great that we could be part of this, united with our brothers and sisters all across the world.
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