Invierno Extremo // Winter Extreme Camp
El Martes 14 dimos inicio a otro Campamento Invierno Extremo! El equipo de 6 participantes, provenientes de Chile, San Juan, Mendoza y Puerto Rico, tuvo la oportunidad de vivir 4 días extremos en la montaña, donde fueron desafiados a realizar divertidas actividades como Rappel, Cabalgata, Trekking, Mountain Bike, una tarde de chicas y lo más importante de todo; hermosos tiempos para escuchar acerca de Dios y ser ministrados con Su presencia.
On Tuesday July 14, we started another Winter Extreme Camp! The team with 6 participants, that came from Chile, Puerto Rico, San Juan and Mendoza, had the opportunity to be for 4 extreme days in the mountains, where they were challenged to participate in awesome activities, like Rappel, Mountain Bike, Trekking, a ladies afternoon, and the most important, beautiful times to hear about God and to be ministered with His presence.
On Tuesday July 14, we started another Winter Extreme Camp! The team with 6 participants, that came from Chile, Puerto Rico, San Juan and Mendoza, had the opportunity to be for 4 extreme days in the mountains, where they were challenged to participate in awesome activities, like Rappel, Mountain Bike, Trekking, a ladies afternoon, and the most important, beautiful times to hear about God and to be ministered with His presence.
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