Encuentro JuCUM Área Sur 2015 // YWAM Southern Area Encounter 2015
Los pasados días, del 1 al 5 de Abril, celebramos nuestro encuentro regional de Juventud Con Una Misión (JUCUM) Área Sur de Latinoamérica bajo el lema “Subidos a la ola” en donde participaron aproximadamente 700 obreros procedentes de Uruguay, Chile, Paraguay, Bolivia y Argentina. También nos visitaron obreros de otras sedes de JUCUM a nivel internacional.
Como familia JUCUM Mendoza fuimos la sede anfitriona, recibimos a obreros voluntarios, familiares, amigos de la Misión y también a estudiantes de diferentes escuelas de JUCUM.
Durante esos cinco días tuvimos hermosos tiempos de ministración, talleres, enseñanzas, recreación, grupos afines y lo más importante, momentos para escuchar la voz de Dios.
Pudimos ser testigos de lo que Dios hablo a los niños, quienes también tuvieron su conferencia, con enseñanzas y tiempos de recreación.
Fue un tiempo especial, donde pudimos meditar y entender los tiempos en los que estamos como Misión y "Subirnos a la Ola" para ir hacia lo que Dios tiene preparado para todos nosotros!
From April 1st-5th we celebrated our regional Encounter of Youth With a Mission, Southern Area of Latin America, with the theme "Catch the Wave" in which participated more than 700 staff coming from Uruguay, Chile, Paraguay, Bolivia and Argentina. We welcomed as well staffmembers from other bases around the world.
We as the family from YWAM Mendoza were the hosts of this event and received the volunteer staff, families, friends from the Mission and also students from different Discipleship Training Schools (DTS).
During these 5 days we had times of ministration, workshops, teachings, recreation, workgroups and most importantly moments to hear God's voice. We were witnesses of what God spoke to the children, who as well had their own conference with teachings and recreational times.
It was a special time, in which we were able to meditate and understand the times we are living as a Mission and "catch the wave" to get to what God has prepared for all of us!
Como familia JUCUM Mendoza fuimos la sede anfitriona, recibimos a obreros voluntarios, familiares, amigos de la Misión y también a estudiantes de diferentes escuelas de JUCUM.
Durante esos cinco días tuvimos hermosos tiempos de ministración, talleres, enseñanzas, recreación, grupos afines y lo más importante, momentos para escuchar la voz de Dios.
Pudimos ser testigos de lo que Dios hablo a los niños, quienes también tuvieron su conferencia, con enseñanzas y tiempos de recreación.
Fue un tiempo especial, donde pudimos meditar y entender los tiempos en los que estamos como Misión y "Subirnos a la Ola" para ir hacia lo que Dios tiene preparado para todos nosotros!
From April 1st-5th we celebrated our regional Encounter of Youth With a Mission, Southern Area of Latin America, with the theme "Catch the Wave" in which participated more than 700 staff coming from Uruguay, Chile, Paraguay, Bolivia and Argentina. We welcomed as well staffmembers from other bases around the world.
We as the family from YWAM Mendoza were the hosts of this event and received the volunteer staff, families, friends from the Mission and also students from different Discipleship Training Schools (DTS).
During these 5 days we had times of ministration, workshops, teachings, recreation, workgroups and most importantly moments to hear God's voice. We were witnesses of what God spoke to the children, who as well had their own conference with teachings and recreational times.
It was a special time, in which we were able to meditate and understand the times we are living as a Mission and "catch the wave" to get to what God has prepared for all of us!
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